sole proprietorship to corporation

Yes, it is possible to change your business structure from a sole proprietorship to a corporation in Canada and that it’s not a simple transition and involves several steps and considerations. Here’s a breakdown:

It’s not a direct conversion: You cannot simply “convert” your sole proprietorship into a corporation. Instead, you need to:

  • Form a new corporation: This involves filing Articles of Incorporation, appointing directors, and following other legal requirements.
  • Transfer assets and liabilities: You’ll need to legally transfer your business assets and liabilities from your sole proprietorship to the newly formed corporation. This might involve tax implications and require professional guidance.
  • Close your sole proprietorship: Once the transfer is complete, you need to formally close your sole proprietorship by notifying relevant government agencies. If you want to keep the same sole proprietorship name, then there is a way to register a Trade name under your newly formed corporation.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Tax implications: Changing your structure can have tax consequences. Consult with a tax professional to understand how this transition might impact your tax obligations. Corporation has double taxation.
  • Legal and administrative complexities: The process can be complex and involve legal and administrative steps. Consider seeking professional assistance from lawyers and accountants or a service provider (RegiCorp) to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Cost involved: incorporation fees and professional services can incur costs. Weigh the benefits against the associated expenses before making the decision.

Overall, changing your business structure from a sole proprietorship to a corporation is a significant decision with legal and financial implications. Carefully consider your reasons for the change, research the process thoroughly, and seek professional guidance to ensure a successful and compliant transition.

How RegiCorp help in this transition:

RegiCorp can assist you in changing your business structure from a sole proprietorship to a corporation in Canada by offering various services and support throughout the process:

  1. Consultation and Guidance:

  • RegiCorp can help you understand the implications of changing your structure, including legal, tax, and financial considerations.
  • Our experts can advise you on the steps involved in the transition and ensure you understand the process and potential challenges.
  1. Incorporation Services:

RegiCorp offers various incorporation packages to suit your needs. These packages typically include:

  • Drafting and filing Articles of Incorporation with Corporate Registry.
  • Appointing initial directors and officers.
  • Preparing corporate minute books and share certificates.
  1. Transferring Assets and Liabilities:

RegiCorp can guide you through the process of transferring assets and liabilities from your sole proprietorship to the newly formed corporation. This may involve legal and tax considerations, and they can advise you on seeking professional assistance if needed.

  1. Ongoing Support:

RegiCorp can provide ongoing support after the incorporation is complete, such as:

  • Assisting with corporate governance and compliance requirements.
  • Filing annual Return
  • Advising on future business needs and potential restructuring considerations.

Here are some additional benefits of using RegiCorp for your transition:

  • Expertise and experience: RegiCorp has experience helping businesses with various legal and administrative tasks, including changing business structures.
  • Streamlined process: They can handle the complexities of the incorporation process, saving you time and effort.
  • Reduced risk of errors: Their expertise can help ensure a smooth and compliant transition, minimizing the risk of errors or delays.

It’s important to note that RegiCorp cannot provide legal or tax advice. We recommend consulting with a lawyer and accountant for these specific aspects of the transition.

We offer guidance, support, and expertise to help navigate the process efficiently and ensure a successful transition.