Canada Revenue Agency Business Number

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number is a unique nine-digit identifier assigned to all businesses, either standard corporations or Not-for-profit organizations, in Canada for tax and other government purposes.

Saskatchewan Business Number

Business Number Uses for various business activities, including:

  • Registering for GST/HST (Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax)
  • Filing tax returns
  • Corporate Income Tax
  • Payroll
  • Opening business bank accounts
  • Importing and exporting goods
  • Dealing with the CRA

If you decide to register for any one of them, you will need a BN.

Saskatchewan Business Number:

There is no separate “Saskatchewan Business Number.” The CRA give the business Number (BN) across Canada, including Saskatchewan. This BN will be valid for all your business activities across the country.

ISC has a partner relationship with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to become the provincial partner responsible for managing the CRA’s business number (BN) program for the province of Saskatchewan.

A Saskatchewan Business number is a 15-digit number which is consist of

  1. 9 Digit Business Number
  2. Two letters to the Government (SK)
  3. Four digits to identify a specific government account

For example, an account number of 123456789SK0001 would represent:

  • Business Number (BN) :123456789
  • Government Program: SK
  • Specific Government Account: 0001

If you will no longer be operating as the same entity that you formed, you will be required to close thar the CRA Business Number. But All payments and filings will need to be up to date to close the Business Number and its associated accounts. If you close your business, CRA will keep your BN in active status until all appropriate CRA program accounts (GST, payroll, etc.) are closed. Once your CRA account is clear, CRA will close your BN.

What if I lost my business number?

If you’ve lost your Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number (BN), don’t worry! There are several ways to retrieve it:

  1. Contact with RegiCorp: You may place an order get your Business Number. Our team will send you Business Number within a day. Click Here for Business Number Registration
  2. Or you may contact CRA by mail or phone.